Cellulosic Biofuel

Renewable Natural Gas from Crop Residues


Senator Grassley visits Nevada Biorefinery

This week we had the honor to host Senator Chuck Grassley at our Verbio Nevada biorefinery. We were able to showcase not only our plant, but also our ongoing efforts and commitment towards renewable energy solutions.

Verbio starts expansion to build second biorefinery in North America

Verbio celebrates groundbreaking to convert South Bend ethanol plant into an integrated biorefinery. The $230 million investment will upgrade and expand the facility for climate-friendly RNG production, using advanced Verbio technology.


Verbio Nevada Biorefinery

The Verbio Nevada Biorefinery, located in Nevada, Iowa (USA), is the first industrial scale renewable natural gas (RNG) facility in North America using agricultural residues as its feedstock. ...

South Bend Ethanol

Verbio acquired South Bend Ethanol, LLC, an operating ethanol plant located in South Bend, Indiana. ...

Verbio Diesel Canada

Verbio Diesel Canada is the 45 million gallon per year biodiesel facility located in Welland, Ontario (Canada). ...

Verbio North America Stamford Office

Verbio operates an administrative site in Stamford, Connecticut (USA).  This location houses our international trading desk, as well as manages all corporate admin functions for North America. ...